Be open to letting go
Mar 28, 2024
Our Buddha Sanctuary Manager, Helen recently put together some thoughts on how yoga, a widely-known and well-loved spiritual practise can open the body, mind and heart and allow us to release old energy.
We often aren’t aware that as physical beings, we hold on to old, disharmonious energy in the body – in muscles, fascia, tissue, organs and even at a micro, cellular level. Over time, this energy is stored in the body and we feel ‘weighed down’ in a sense. The energy becomes stagnant and can often result in stress and dis-ease. A powerful way to release this energy is through yoga.
Read below for more from Helen.
When I plan a sequence, I carefully consider what is most needed for that time. As we transition through the season of Autumn, letting go is definitely present in my mind. I believe, that when we allow space in our bodies and hearts, we are better prepared to release the old stuff that comes up for us.
One of my favourite postures to facilitate opening and release, is Kapotanasana (Pigeon pose). Pigeon pose opens the hips, softens the glute muscles and TFL – an area of the body commonly associated with holding tension. When you practise this pose, I encourage you to mentally draw inward and become the observer, witnessing and accepting the impermanent nature of life. Always changing.
I recently did a post on this on our Facebook and Instagram accounts – visit us there, for more info.