Here I stand on Sacred Land
May 16, 2020
Here I stand on Sacred Land
Today, I’m sharing something special with you. It’s a prayer I wrote for a workshop a while back and when I rediscovered it recently, I felt it was important to share.
It is titled Here I Stand on Sacred Land and it may refer to your connection with your local community, your city, your state or country, or the whole world! It is a prayer that calls upon us to remember ‘our place’. I hope it resonates with you.
Here I stand on Sacred Land
That feeds me, clothes me, comforts me with its gracious hand
Here I stand on Sacred Land sustaining and nurturing Life with love and light
I AM one with the Sacred Land creating Life with love and light
Here I stand on Sacred Land with the “Sun of Life” forever giving light and life
I AM one with the effulgent Sun giving light and life forevermore
Here I stand on Sacred Land with rivers, flowing, pure and free, giving life for free
I AM one with rivers, great and small, sustaining life on the valley floor
Here I stand on Sacred Land with trees giving sweet fruits for all to feed
I AM one with trees, great and small, giving sweet fruits for all to eat
Here I stand on Sacred Land with animals nurturing, protecting life big and small
I AM one with animals, great and small, tirelessly nurturing their all
Here I stand on Sacred Land with all Mothers and Fathers creating life that creates life
I AM one with parents lovingly sacrificing their life for more life
Here I stand on Sacred Land with the Guardians of the Land adding to the River of Life with their Life
I AM one with the Guardians working tirelessly guiding, guarding and giving Life
Here I stand on Sacred Land with the Guardians, Brothers and Sisters, fauna and flora in the River of Life flowing from shore to shore forevermore
Here I stand on Sacred Land with Life creating Life, Life nurturing Life, and Life guiding, guarding and protecting Life
Let us be Life for all!
Let us be Love for all!
Let us be Light for all!
Let us be Hope for all!
Thus I stand on Sacred Land!
As Life, Love and Light for all!
I AM one with the Sacred Land!
Thus I stand!
Peace be with you,
Chiu Chi