Letting Go
Mar 28, 2024
It’s Autumn, a time when we slowly wind down to the cocooning season of winter. Autumn is the season of stripping things back, of letting it all go and allowing the escalating winds to carry away, that which no longer serves us.
Letting go is one of the most challenging things for us to do. I notice it often when guiding people in meditation and during energy healings. We have this internal struggle of hanging on so deeply to who we think we are. When we can’t let go, we don’t make space for new creation and we can’t allow ourselves to truly heal. In a sense, we can’t let the new light in.
We become so deeply attached to our ‘things’, our relationships, our thoughts, emotions and beliefs, our bodies and our fixed ideas on how things ‘should’ be. We become locked – fixed in our personality and in how we see the world around us.
This season, I invite you to let go.
Tune into a deciduous tree. Look up to its tender leaves, Summer’s umbrellas in the sky, as they slowly transition through orange hues. They brown, and beg for the branches that hold them, to let them go. They honour their inner knowing in preparation for the resting season of winter. And yet, not once, do they root themselves in impossible expectation that they need to be the same tree, day-by-day, month-by-month, season-by-season.
They simply let go and let be. And this is my wish for you this season.